You belong here just as much as anyone else.
“Before working with Lisa, I was in one of the lowest places of my life. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for 3 years and felt that there was absolutely no way out. I had no voice, purpose, or control over my life. A friend suggested I look for someone to talk to and I remember thinking, "There is no one that can get me out of this mess." After one scary situation, I finally came to a point where I knew I was in a crisis, and reached out to Lisa. I can say with all my heart that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Lisa was able to identity my problems and give me practical solutions from Day 1. She was so easy to talk to, gave meaningful insight, book suggestions, and kept me accountable. Every week she was there for me, even if I had failed. She was the one constant in my life during this time and without her dedication to helping me, I don't think I could've taken my life back. One year later, I am in a completely different place. I have never been happier, more fulfilled, or have a greater sense of purpose and future. I have also met an amazing man who cares and treats me with respect. I know none of this could have been possible without Lisa. Thank you Lisa!!”
When I started to see Lisa I was having a lot of anxiety. I thought it was because of all of the horrible things that had happened in my life for the two years prior. Having Lisa as a life coach helped me figure out that it wasn't those bad things that were making me anxious but my perception of my everyday life and the relationship I had with my husband. She gave me the tools I needed to really help me identify what was really bothering me. Lisa has helped me learn to control my emotions and my reactions to life’s stresses by helping me figure out what triggers certain reactions for me and other people close to me. She taught me that understanding what triggers other people's reactions helps me understand how to have better conversations with the people I love and thus have a better and healthier relationship. My relationship with my husband is much stronger and I feel so much better about myself because of the time I spent with Lisa.
“Lisa Hoffman - Lamanna is a gifted, skilled and inspired practitioner. I consider her to be a rare blessing to both my life and this world. When I first learned of Lisa and asked to be her client, I had all but given up. I was broken, confused, anguished, depressed, bitter, lost, addicted and completely hopeless. I felt that I was trapped in hell. Each week, Lisa met the chaos of my despairing thoughts and emotions and my hopeless conclusions with her full presence - the calmly-focused, receptive, thoughtful, skilled, informed, wise, responsive, positive and kind-hearted presence of deeply caring and committed professional; Week by week, in her quiet, graciously powerful way, Lisa walked me along a healing path from hell to renewed spirit, life and hope. The path was at once uniquely mine and as efficiently directed towards self-empowerment and wellness as could be. I went from "hell to quite well" within fourteen months and, to this day, continue to heal and grow and actually help and empower others with the perspective and tools that Lisa gave me.
I have recommended Lisa to five of my dearest friends and am so grateful to see each one benefitting quickly and surely from their work with Lisa, each according to her own needs. How I wish everyone could have the experience of working - of healing - with Lisa. While I no longer see her on a regular basis, Lisa is with me every day, for my experience with her was the experience of a lifetime.”
“From the first session, I had with Lisa she was giving me the tools I needed to cope with the enormous stress I was dealing with in my life at that time. Lisa taught me how important it is to balance your mind and your physical body so you are emotionally and physically your best self. Some of the tools Lisa recommended that I found very helpful were meditation, eating clean and natural foods and avoiding sugar and processed foods. She also recommended exercise for your mind and body like yoga. Lisa taught me how to stay in the present and not let my thoughts become negative. All of these tools and one on one sessions changed my life. I am a better healthier version of myself inside and out than when I first called Lisa to ask her if she could help me. I never would have realized on my own how healing certain foods can be or that I could control the negative thoughts that keep me from staying in the moment. I sleep better and have so much more energy. I am very happy that I reached out to Lisa for help because it made a big difference in my life.”
Vincent F.
“I have worked with Lisa for the past six years. She has helped me make tremendous progress mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I have become more self confident, self reliant, inspired and have truly found my purpose as a result of our work together. She helped me heal many of my inner shadows and conquer the obstacles that were in my way of becoming my most authentic self. Her compassion and understanding of trauma truly assists with the transformation process. She is an excellent guide to anyone seeking growth and self affirmation. She has always told me '‘Be your own Guru’, and thanks to our work I have reached this milestone. She is a teacher, a healer, and most of all a mirror which allows her clients to truly see themselves. I am forever grateful for our work together and I would recommend her services to anyone who is in need.”
Stacy D.
I am writing this recommendation about Lisa Hoffman - Lamanna in hopes that anyone looking for a great therapist will feel comfortable choosing Lisa to begin learning about yourself in a deeper and more meaningful way to improve your life. She skillfully, patiently and professionally guided me through the process of gaining self awareness so I could see the challenges in my life as just that rather than obstacles that seemed insurmountable to me before therapy. My entire outlook on everything in life has changed for the better since acquiring these new insights and coping tools. I can now manage stress, hurt and disappointment in a way that I no longer need to revert to becoming depressed as a response as I had in the past. She not only listens but hears you in a way that is nonjudgmental and very compassionate. She asks the right questions to challenge you to think, get the clarity you desire and identify the real issues that have been blocking you from growth. I could not recommend her more highly.